Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Usefull websites

These websites listed below are more for the advanced player, but anyone can use them if you know how and why you would use them.


Note: This link above is for World 56, change the world to the one you play before you do anything.

ZomgTW is very useful for calculating village builds and calculating attacks. Also it is very helpful when you need to generate a list of villages for farming to put into your farming script. I mainly use this site for the "Farmfinder" and "Backtiming Calculator" tools.


Note: This link above is for World 56, change the world to the one you play before you do anything

Tribalwars maps is excellent for telling you when your foes are online or the last time they where online.  Very good for giving you a detailed informational package on a specific person, i.e tells you their points, Opponents defeated, last time they attacked and defended from someone, their tribe's information.

I would highly recommend these two sites if you want to further your tribalwars skill. 

Monday, 20 June 2011

W56 Pointers... Part 5

Ok so I got some more villages under my belt, Again the magical formula is level 30 pits in all villages, without resources you cant do that much. Once you have a nuke together build a train. Once the train is up and running just scout a village, clear it and noble. Keep on doing that until your nuke is destroyed. Build the nuke and train back up and you should be able to build an additional nuke because of the possible villages you have taken over.
Once the nukes and trains are in operation, scout, clear and noble. Then repeat the cycle over and over again.

Monday, 13 June 2011


Ok we call Nukes because they are simular to the Nukes we have today in real life (Yes those big explosion things).

The idea of a Nuke is to clear all the defensive troops in a village, if it does not kill all the troops then it is not a Nuke, it is an attack.

Common mistake I see people doing is calling their offensive armys Nukes and then losing their army. That would again be called an attack. Some players prefer to use the name "Nuke" as a fully maxed out farm offensive army also.

Units and what they are meant for

Axe - Attacking Spears and horses
Light Cavalry - Attacking (And farming on farming worlds)
Spears - Defending against Horses
Swords - Defending against footmen
Archers - Defending against footmen
Heavy Cavalry - Defending against footmen and attacking footmen and horses
Mounted Archers - Attacking archers
Scout - Gathering intel on a village
Rams - Attacking the wall
Catapults - Attacking any building including the wall
Noblemen - Taking over a village


In tribalwars we call a 4 nobleman attack a "Train" because it has 4 attacks (4 attacks is enough to take down the loyalty to 0). If you think of a train  go past you, you will see that the carriges follow closely behind the first carrige. So the carriges will be the 3 nobleman behind the 1st nobleman that we will call the drivers carrige.

So a train has 4 attacks with a noblemen in each attack, with each attack followed closely behind the first one.

Trains are usually sent by the same 1 village, but can be sent by a number of villages but it is harder to time the attack and avoid sniping.


Ok now we know what trains are we are about to know what sniping is.

The concept of sniping is simple, Make support land in between the train attack.

I will show you what a train looks like:

= <-- That will be one noblemen, so a train will look like this:


4 noblemen right? This what our defense marker will be "/"

So our defense will look like this


If we where to snipe a noble train we wouldnt make out defense land like this:


Or this:


But make it land like this:

=/=== or ==/== or ===/=.

So it will break the train and therefore the village will not be nobled because all 4 nobles have not sucessfully attacked the village as our defense landed between the attacks.


Backtiming concept is again simple.

The enemy attacks your village. You send your troops out of the village to avoid being killed by the attack, then you call your troops back just after the enemys attack lands and does nothing, then you attack the enemy right away so when his troops arrive home your troops follow closely behind and kill off his.

You only backtime with offensive troops, idea is to kill his offensive army with your offensive army, and you do this by backtiming.

Writen by Ozzzzk 06/06/2011

Landing attacks at the same second from different villages

http://www.twstats.com/en56/index.php?page=attack_planner <--- As you can see in the "en56" part of this link this is the English W56's attack planner link, so say you where in server 45 or 29 you would just replace the "en56" with "en45" or "en29" to get the server you want for example. Just use the site and fill out the data feilds and select which village(s) you want to use.

Also just remember if you have just sent your train of nobles and for example they land at 13:20:46 Server Time, you will want your clearing attacks to land before 13:20:46 not after.

Friday, 3 June 2011

W56 Pointers Part 4

Ok finally found the magical formula and nobled my first village.

What I did was rush resource levels to level 27 for wood and clay, and 25 for iron (Did not build anything, no troops, nothing) , then built my academy, as I was building my academy I built pure offenseive troops. I then nobled a village going for level 30 pits.

Currently nobling my 3rd village now as we speak.

I will update this soon when I get a couple more villages. Right now the strongest player in my 30*30 is me.

W57 Settings

Unit speed:1.0
Paladin:Yes, with weapons
Noble system:Gold coins
Morale:Points & time based
Bonus villages:Yes
Barbarian villages:Grow to 2500 points
Tech system:Simple
Beginner protection:3 days
Tribe limit:150

Offensive and defensive configuration

Offensive Configuration

(A.1.) Only Axes


Farm space: 20.650

Offensive power against spears - 100%
Offensive power against swords - 40%
Offensive power against archers - 40%
Offensive power against Heavy Cavalry - 73%

* Very good to kill spears

(A.2.) Only Light Cavalry


Farm space: 20.650

Offensive power against spears - 34%
Offensive power against swords - 100%
Offensive power against archers - 41%
Offensive power against Heavy Cavalry - 100%

* Very good to kill swords and Heavy Cavalry

(A.3.) Only Mounted archer


Farm space: 20.650

Offensive power against spears - 73%
Offensive power against swords - 26%
Offensive power against archers - 100%
Offensive power against Heavy Cavalry - 40%

* Very good to kill archears

(B.1.) Axes and Light Cavalry - [2 : 1]


Farm space: 20.650

Offensive power against spears - 88%
Offensive power against swords - 100%
Offensive power against archers - 41%
Offensive power against Heavy Cavalry - 100%

* Very good to kill swords and Heavy Cavalry and also good to kill spears
* Bad to kill archears

(B.2.) Axes and Light Cavalry [4 : 1]


Farm space: 20.650

Offensive power against spears - 100%
Offensive power against swords - 100%
Offensive power against archers - 41%
Offensive power against Heavy Cavalry - 100%

* Very good to kill spears/swords and Heavy Cavalry
* Bad to kill archears

(C.1.) Light Cavalry and Mounted archer [2.5 : 1]


Farm space: 20.650

Offensive power against spears - 49%
Offensive power against swords - 100%
Offensive power against archers - 100%
Offensive power against Heavy Cavalry - 100%

* Very good to kill swords/archers and Heavy Cavalry
* Bad to kill spears

(C.2.) Light Cavalry and Mounted archer [1.3 : 1]


Farm space: 20.650

Offensive power against spears - 55%
Offensive power against swords - 94%
Offensive power against archers - 100%
Offensive power against Heavy Cavalry - 100%

* Very good to kill archers and Heavy Cavalry and also good to kill swords
* Bad to kill spears

(D.1.) Axes and Light Cavalry and Mounted archer


Farm space: 20.650

Offensive power against spears - 85%
Offensive power against swords - 100%
Offensive power against archers - 100%
Offensive power against Heavy Cavalry - 100%

* Very good to kill swords/archers and Heavy Cavalry
* Not bad to kill spears

(D.2.) Axes and Light Cavalry and Mounted archer


Farm space: 20.650

Offensive power against spears - 100%
Offensive power against swords - 100%
Offensive power against archers - 74%
Offensive power against Heavy Cavalry - 100%

* Very good to kill spears/swords and Heavy Cavalry
* Not bad to kill archers

(D.3.) Axes and Light Cavalry and Mounted archer


Farm space: 20.650

Offensive power against spears - 94%
Offensive power against swords - 100%
Offensive power against archers - 96%
Offensive power against Heavy Cavalry - 100%

* Very good to kill swords and Heavy Cavalry and also good to kill spears/archers

Recommended Offensive Armies to Play

* Specialized villages:

If you like to play with villages with only one type of offensive unit I recommend you to play with armies A.1. and A.2. and A.3.
When you know the type of defence configuration that your enemy have this option [A.1. A.2. A.3.] it’s the best.
You can use the offensive unit more powerful against him.
But I just want you to know that making only one type of offensive unit in one village take a lot of time.

* Combo villages:

If you want to make 2 types of units in each offensive village you can use one good combination.
I recommend you to play with B.2. and C.2.
B.2. army is strong where C.2. army is weak and C.2. army is strong where B.2. army is weak.
Some players don’t like to make axes and Mounted archers in the same village so here is one good option.

* Only one type of offensive army:

If you don’t have time or patience to make different offensive armies I recommend you to play with D.3. army. D.3. army is very solid against all type of defensive units
It’s not very strong but have one advantage ... don’t have any weakness.
With D.3 army you can strike without scouting before because he will basically kill what the village has there.